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 Vintage Prams Display 


 Summer 2013 


The Display was located in the exibition room of the

Lavarone Town hall - Trento - Italy.

A part of the exhibition was dedicated to 50 years of Inglesina Baby activity.



The exhibition entrance hall









The pram ... cake, curated by my daughter Linda









The sector dedicated to 50 years of Inglesina Baby activity.











Inglesina pram - Monica model - year 1973 - blue velvet







Inglesina pram - London model - year 1969















Inglesina pram - Monica model - year 1973 - red velvet







Inglesina pram - Evy model - year 1969











Inglesina pram - Primavera model - year 1973 - brown velvet



















Inglesina pram - Classica model - year 2001

















Inglesina pram - Classica Tricolore

150° Unità d' Italia

limited edition - exemplar n° 1

























Inglesina  pram - London model - year 1969





























































































Peg combined and reversible pram - Universal model - year 1972











Guizzardi pram (probably) - '60 years














Peg pram - Sonia model - year 1979









Polloni combined and reversible pram - early '70 years







Giordani pram - '70 years








Peg reversible stroller - Rodi model - '70 years








Baby's Cars reversible stroller - Tom model - '70 years








Peg  pram - Trio model - year 1979.








Peg  reversible stroller - Jolly 4 model - on Atlantico chassis - year 1965

















 Wilson coachbuilt pram 

Park Ward model - year 1973


















Silver Cross - Coachbuilt pram

Super Burley model - '60 years














Pedigree - Bilt Rite  American pram

early '50 years




























Guizzrdi pram - Symphony model

'60 years














Peg  convertible pram - Iris model - '60 years















Peg pram - Victory model - '60 years














Helvetia  combined and reversible

Swiss pram - '40 - '50 year
























Carrer  stroller - '30 years








Giordani  sheet metal stroller - '40 years












Highchairs  '50 and '70 years
















German pram - early 1900

and toy pram - '20 years about











Maclaren - Chicco pram and light strollers

'70 - '80 years












Rocking horse and documentation


























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